How can we reinvent and secure remote working in 2023?

How can we reinvent and secure remote working in 2023?

Remote working is now a popular option for many employees and companies. But at a time when cyberthreats are on the increase, how can teleworking be made truly effective and its security strengthened within organisations?

Quiet quitting, digital nomads… A new vision of work

In France, as in Europe, the relationship with work has changed considerably. For many employees today, the priority is to hold a position in a company that is in line with their values, where their well-being will really be taken into account. This is what emerges from the latest barometer from the Actineo observatory. We learn that 45% of those questioned think that their employer is not concerned about their well-being at work, whereas this should be a priority for 84%.

The “quiet quitting” movement and the growing number of digital nomads demonstrate a clear desire for greater freedom and quality of life.

The benefits of teleworking  

Teleworking seems to be an appropriate and effective response to these new expectations, offering a better balance between professional and personal life. What’s more, teleworking is even said to increase employee productivity, according to a report by the French National Productivity Council. A better quality of life? Not just that, since the success of teleworking also depends on the support and appropriate management of teams.

How can teleworking management be rethought?

white paper on teleworking security

Combining collaborative performance and data security

In 2023, the introduction of teleworking will require careful thought to be given to data and communications security. When employees work remotely, the risks of cyber-security are greater and the consequences more costly.

In the IBM report, we learn that in 2022, the average cost of a data breach was 4.34 million dollars in France. When teleworking is a factor in the attack, $1 million is added to the bill. The consequences are therefore primarily financial, but they also damage the reputation of the targeted organisation for its lack of reliability.

Protecting the teleworking environment, installing a VPN, MFA (multi-factor authentication) or subscribing to a sovereign cloud service are all choices that need to be made to ensure that employees have simple, secure access to company resources.

What tools should be put in place to secure data?

Quels sont les risques de sécurité informatique principaux en télétravail ?

livre blanc sécurité du télétravail

The importance of IT hygiene training for teleworkers

Raising awareness of IT security among teleworking teams is fundamental to preventing cybersecurity risks. In fact, the human factor is always the primary cause, despite the massive increase in the security of information systems. Employees need to be made aware of the risks, but also of the best practices to be implemented to protect their equipment, particularly when they are on the move.

In addition, the deployment and use of a high-performance Secure by Design video collaboration tool remains essential for team collaboration, especially when working 100% from home. It is important to train teleworkers and raise their awareness of this tool, particularly to reduce the risks of shadow IT, which is becoming increasingly common.

The case of Tixeo, 100% augmented teleworking

For the past 8 years, Tixeo has been moving towards 100% ‘augmented teleworking’. Thanks to the TixeoFusion mode of its secure videoconferencing solution, Tixeo teams work together in a virtual open space on a daily basis. The result: simple, reliable and user-friendly communication that erases the distance between employees and strengthens collaboration.

How has Tixeo's 100% augmented teleworking model become sustainable?

white paper on teleworking security
Teleworking: 3 ways to improve productivity

Teleworking: 3 ways to improve productivity

Today, a large majority of French people believe that teleworking has more advantages than disadvantages. In fact, 72% believe that the main advantage of teleworking is increased individual productivity. These are the findings of a recent study by SD Worx.


Why can teleworking boost productivity?

A better work-life balance

By working remotely, employees benefit from a degree of flexibility. This enables them to achieve a better work-life balance. In fact, the SD Worx study found that 80% of French employees believe that teleworking improves work-life balance. Working from home makes personal organisation easier. It allows employees to devote themselves to sporting, cultural or community activities at the end of the working day, which makes a major contribution to their well-being.

Reduced stress and absence

The elimination of commuting and the flexibility of teleworking considerably reduce stress in the workplace, which is one of the main causes of absenteeism.

By reducing stress at work, companies can limit absences in the long term, provided that they support employees in setting up teleworking (appropriate equipment, awareness of good posture and the importance of maintaining physical activity, etc.). The quality of life provided by teleworking can therefore have a major impact on employee productivity.


How can teleworking productivity be maintained?

In 2022, the report by the French National Productivity Council indicates that teleworking has led to an increase in the productivity of the employees concerned. In fact, the increase in the proportion of teleworkers, from 5% before the Covid health crisis to 25% today, would coincide with a productivity gain of between 5% and 9% within companies.

However, teleworking productivity needs to be maintained over time, thanks to effective collaboration tools and appropriate management.

Making the most of video collaboration tools

The performance of teleworking employees depends above all on the collaborative tools made available by the company. In hybrid mode, employees who are present in the office and those who work remotely must benefit from continuity in their exchanges.

These tools must facilitate communication while guaranteeing a high level of security for exchanges. Teleworking, particularly in 100% of cases, means that data is more open, sometimes on very sensitive and confidential subjects. Securing communications will not only protect the company, but also reassure employees and prevent them from limiting their interactions.

Spying: how to recognise an unsecured video conference?

How do you boost the productivity of teleworking teams?

white paper on teleworking security

Fewer meetings and more quality exchanges thanks to the virtual open space

In full remote or 100% teleworking, the challenge is to enable employees to stay in touch on a daily basis, without wasting too much time in pointless meetings. 100% teleworkers need to enjoy autonomy without feeling isolated, in order to increase productivity while maintaining team cohesion.

To meet this need, Tixeo offers the TixeoFusion mode in its secure videoconferencing tool.

This feature allows teleworkers to meet in a virtual open space. Represented in video bubbles, they can chat easily, simply by clicking on the bubble of one or more colleagues. When the discussion starts, the bubbles come together to form a coloured group. The people involved then interact in the same way as in a traditional video conference, without disturbing the other teleworkers.

The benefits of virtual open-space :


  • Encourage informal exchanges when teleworking (and avoid unnecessary meetings)
  • Avoid feelings of isolation by having a constant view of your colleagues
  • Facilitate the sharing of information across all participants, thanks to the secure messaging functionality included in the virtual open space

Putting the right management in place

At the same time, managers need to be trained to support their teleworking teams. This is fundamental to maintaining productivity and team cohesion.

So it’s important to establish a climate of trust when working together. Teleworking employees enjoy a high degree of autonomy. To reinforce their commitment and involvement, the manager must encourage regular feedback. In addition, exchanges must be fluid and carried out as much as possible by videoconference with the camera activated, to improve the quality of exchanges. This helps to detect any uneasiness or difficulties at an early stage.


Setting rituals

These regular feedbacks can be programmed in the same way as daily meetings. These daily meetings, which are very popular with IT teams, enable them to take stock of current projects. This type of ritual helps to improve the productivity of teleworking staff: it reminds them of the objectives to be achieved and motivates the workforce, while at the same time rewarding the progress made.

Finally, when teleworking, managers must ensure that their teams take breaks during the day and disconnect after their working day. Hyperconnection has an impact on the teleworker’s health and is detrimental to their quality of life and productivity. Regular exchanges with the manager can help identify this type of problem.


Read also:

QWL: how do you break the isolation of teleworking?

QWL: how do you break the isolation of teleworking?

QWL: how do you break the isolation of teleworking?

Whether imposed or flexible, teleworking can be a difficult experience for employees. Teleworkers may feel isolated from their colleagues and superiors. This major risk has consequences for employees’ well-being and commitment to the company.


Facilitating communication

Isolated teleworking inevitably means poor communication. When teleworking, the communication tools deployed must be simple and easy to use, so that employees pick them up quickly. However, this is sometimes not enough.

A simple instant messenger is easy to use, but doesn’t allow you to recreate qualitative interactions. Generally, exchanges are short and limited to questions and answers. Communication is therefore insufficient. Over the long term, the links between employees become weaker.

Full remote: why are team buildind essential?


Making the most of videoconferencing

The deployment of videoconferencing tools in companies is now essential for teleworking teams. However, these solutions are still under-utilised. Many employees deactivate their webcams during online meetings and lose the opportunity to interact more effectively with the person they are speaking to. This type of practice leads to a feeling of isolation when teleworking.


The importance of non-verbal communication

Non-verbal communication can provide information about a colleague’s emotional or physical state and enable the conversation to be adapted. Body language (facial expressions, movements, posture, etc.) can indicate agitation, apathy or dissatisfaction. The gaze may be shifty or fixed, indicating interest and attention. All these elements contribute to enriching communication and getting the most out of it.

6 questions to ask yourself before starting a videoconference

Setting up rituals

On the other hand, holding a series of videoconference meetings throughout the day can quickly become exhausting for employees and, above all, counter-productive. What’s more, these meetings generally leave little room for informal communication. This does nothing to reduce the feeling of isolation among employees.

To maintain a good team dynamic, certain rituals need to be put in place, such as weekly meetings or short “daily meetings”. These encourage exchanges without taking up too much of the working day. Other, more informal and fun activities can be devised to strengthen team cohesion (online games, challenges, video afterwork, etc.).

The aim is to strengthen links between teams while maintaining autonomy and productivity.



The virtual open-space to avoid feelings of isolation and strengthen team spirit

On a daily basis at Tixeo, the teams are continuously connected in real time in a virtual open-space, TixeoFusion.

Every morning, employees work together in the same space, working remotely without feeling isolated.

Everyone appears in a video bubble and can work in peace and quiet, surrounded by their colleagues. To exchange views, employees simply click on a colleague’s bubble to switch to a traditional videoconference. The other colleagues can see the bubbles coming closer together, creating a discussion group.

isolement télétravail

Each discussion group is represented by a different colour.

The teleworker is just like being in the office:

  • they can easily share their screen,
  • hold a meeting
  • have an informal chat with a colleague
  • or concentrate on their work while seeing their colleagues.

All this without feeling isolated.

Finally, TixeoFusion also facilitates the exchange of information between all participants, via the integrated instant chat module.

Thanks to the virtual open-space, teleworking employees can easily chat with different teams, which also strengthens cross-functional collaboration.



Integrating new teleworkers

In teleworking, the arrival of a new employee must be well prepared in order to facilitate their integration into the company.

On the first day, everything must be done to ensure that the newcomer feels welcome and can get to know the teams in place. Support during the first few weeks is crucial to help them take charge of their new role and their place in the organisation. Regular exchanges should be arranged to identify any difficulties at an early stage. A rapid and successful integration of a teleworking employee will limit the risks of isolation.


In a recent interview with French Tech Méditerranée, Renaud Ghia, CEO of Tixeo, gives his advice on how to welcome a new 100% teleworking employee.

Raising team awareness

Organisations need to react before a teleworker becomes truly isolated. There are various warning signs: loss of motivation, lack of involvement in meetings, fewer exchanges, etc.

Awareness-raising measures can be put in place within the organisation to prevent isolation while teleworking. In addition, managers need to be trained in these issues so that they can react quickly and support their staff. Regular feedback with their teams is also recommended to detect this type of malaise.



Monitoring workload and respecting the right to disconnect

Finally, the feeling of isolation when teleworking can also be felt when an employee is overloaded with work. When teleworking, it’s easier to stay at your desk for a few extra hours to finish a task. However, this hyper-connection can have harmful effects on the employee’s health and personal life, and can lead to a feeling of isolation.

Here again, the manager must ensure that the employee’s workload is consistent and that they can disconnect completely after their working day to devote themselves to their family life and leisure activities.


How do you encourage team cohesion when you work 100% from home?

white paper on teleworking security
How to limit video conferencing fatigue?

How to limit video conferencing fatigue?

Have you been videoconferencing several times and are you feeling very tired? Here are a few tips to prevent you from becoming exhausted during your online meetings.

More tired than during a face-to-face meeting?

Videoconferencing saves time, especially in travel, but it does not always save energy. This is especially true in teleworking, where there are many online meetings, whether to keep track of ongoing projects or simply to maintain team cohesion.

Increased concentration in front of the webcam

Although face-to-face meetings can also be tiring, video conferencing requires a different kind of concentration from participants. Generally, participants are filmed by their webcam and tend to be constantly attentive, facing the camera. This requires a lot of energy and limits the possibility of taking a break. In a meeting room, it is often easier to move around or do something else without fear of generating questions from the other participants (looking at your notes, getting up to get a document or a glass of water, etc.).

More energy to communicate

In an online meeting, participants may need to amplify their reactions or gestures to show their interest or to make themselves better understood: for example, nodding or waving to their interlocutors during a presentation. This adds to the mental load and can lead to fatigue.

Not to mention that many studies have shown that we spend more time looking at our own reflection than that of our interlocutors during a video conference. A practice that could also have a tendency to affect our morale and fatigue.

Tips for limiting video conferencing fatigue:

Adapting the modes of exchange

As with face-to-face meetings, it is never a good idea to hold too many video conferences or to drag them out. Before scheduling a videoconference, it is therefore preferable to consider its purpose. Some online meetings can be replaced by a simple discussion between colleagues. With Tixeo’s Fusion mode, you can easily get in touch with a collaborator in a virtual open-space, to quickly exchange ideas without disturbing him/her too much.

Choose the right timing

When videoconferencing is essential, it is advisable to set a reasonable timing for the meeting. A video conference that lasts more than an hour is generally considered too long: the participants will tend not to pay enough attention and the exchanges will be less qualitative. Consequently, it will waste time (and energy) for all participants!

Make sure you have good brightness

The brightness of your screen should not be neglected during your online meetings. After several video conferences with too little or too much brightness, eye strain can quickly set in. In addition, you can activate a blue light filter on your computer to further protect your eyes. Regular breaks without looking at your smartphone are also recommended.

Take regular breaks

This is essential to recharge your batteries and avoid getting tired too quickly. Taking breaks of a few minutes after a video conference allows you to rest your eyes and take the time to assimilate all the information exchanged. It is advisable to get up and walk around, as if you were leaving the meeting room to go for a coffee or to your office, for example. The aim is to stretch your legs as much as possible in order to limit the harmful effects of a sedentary lifestyle, accentuated by teleworking and remote meetings.

Set up in a suitable environment

The environment of your videoconference is an important aspect that can lead to fatigue. Indeed, if you cannot isolate yourself, you will be bothered by surrounding noises which will force you to increase your concentration. You should therefore choose a quiet place, and if possible a closed one, to gain in serenity.

6 questions to ask yourself before starting a videoconference

video conferencing fatigue
Full remote: why are team buildind essential?

Full remote: why are team buildind essential?

Corporate seminars or team building allow teams to meet face-to-face in a new environment for one or more days, to revitalise the group.

Seminars strengthen team cohesion

Often spread over several cities or countries, fully remote teams only exchange information via videoconferencing and the vast majority of them never meet in person.

However, even if video collaboration tools have a multitude of features to facilitate teamwork, face-to-face meetings remain essential. Indeed, certain informal interactions or team meetings require the physical gathering of employees in order to encourage exchanges and create links.

During team building, certain team strategy games can even help to analyse group dynamics and identify improvements collectively. The result: a boost in individual motivation and collective energy.

A new environment conducive to exchange

Company seminars should be held in a neutral location that is unknown to everyone. Without their usual points of reference, employees will be placed on an equal footing and will feel freer to discuss their tasks and their well-being. They will also be more likely to participate in group activities.

Company seminars teleworking

The choice of venue must also be guided by practicality criteria: it is recommended to choose a place close to all amenities and to facilitate the organisation of the team as much as possible (carpooling, various reservations…), especially if the team building is an adventure.

Team building enhance the company’s culture

By definition, team building must create an event and therefore be rich in activities. It is in the company’s interest to choose them carefully as they will also enhance its internal culture.

Sports activities will work on team spirit and perseverance, while fun activities will encourage employees to let go and encourage moments of exchange. Cultural or creative activities will boost the creativity of the teams and the spirit of innovation.

Diversity of activities

It is highly recommended to alternate between work moments, such as brainstorming and general meetings, and moments of relaxation. The seminar should not be a simple extension of the daily work routine, nor should it be a simple event where teams have fun. There are many benefits to the company culture if the balance between the type of activities offered and the moments of free exchange and work is well maintained.

full remote team building

Team building for the onboarding of employees

When a new employee joins a 100% teleworking team, integration can be long and difficult. Company seminars, organised regularly throughout the year, are a way of introducing newcomers and ensuring that they can meet and talk to each other.


Establishing rituals and building loyalty among employees

Team building is a good way of valuing employees by placing them at the heart of the event. It can be interesting to set up rituals such as welcoming newcomers, celebrating the seniority of an employee or the implementation of a project.

Tixeo has been in full remote for 7 years now and organises quarterly seminars for its teams. As Renaud Ghia, President of Tixeo, explains in his interview on the HelloworkPlace website: “We make sure that the date of taking up the post [of newcomers] is close to the next team building event so that they don’t have to wait three months before physically seeing their colleagues! For us, video is for work, face-to-face is for having a good time.”

Company seminars therefore have many benefits for 100% telework collaboration: they maximise the knowledge of the teams, renew the collective dynamic and increase employee loyalty.

Read more

The explosion of teleworking requires companies to strengthen their cybersecurity

The explosion of teleworking requires companies to strengthen their cybersecurity

Companies of all sizes are exposed to cybersecurity risks, especially with the digitalisation of working methods.

Telework, a source of attractiveness for companies

If teleworking facilitates the daily life of employees, it has also become a real advantage, highlighted in the recruitment process. According to this survey, 75% of the employees interviewed consider work hybridisation as a real competitive advantage for the company. Many of them would even be ready to leave their company if it did not offer telework.

In 2021, according to a Dares survey, more than 4,000 telework agreements were signed, ten times more than in 2017. This working method is no longer reserved for large organisations. Indeed, in the same survey, we learn that two thirds of the agreements signed were in companies with less than 300 employees, and 21% in companies with less than 50 employees.

The generalisation of telework will therefore continue and companies will have to be even more vigilant about protecting their data.

Cyber threats amplified by remote working

Between 2016 and 2020, the Ministry of the Interior in France observed an increase of more than 31% in ransomware attacks: cyberattacks that hold companies’ information systems hostage in exchange for money. The ANSSI indicates that the number of proven intrusions into information systems has increased by 37% in 2021. A growing threat to the cybersecurity of companies.

But other cybersecurity risks are amplified by teleworking, such as working with one’s personal computer. 20% of teleworkers are concerned (according to a Canon study). However, this practice is widely discouraged since, unlike the professional device, the employee’s device has not undergone the necessary security checks. In the event of an intrusion, the company’s entire information system could be compromised.

Protecting personal data

In addition to raising staff awareness and securing teleworking equipment, it is also important to ensure that the data itself is protected. Videocollaboration tools are the first vectors of sensitive and personal data: names and surnames of employees, meeting titles, confidential files, etc. Cybercriminals make them a prime target when it comes to accessing information about the company and its activity.

The policy on the management and processing of personal data from these tools is therefore an essential element to be taken into account in the cybersecurity strategy.

cybersecurity companies

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