How to Trust Your Employees in Hybrid Remote Work

How to Trust Your Employees in Hybrid Remote Work

Employees no longer work solely in the office, and companies need to adapt their organisational and management models to teleworking, to put trust at the heart of collaboration.

Hybrid telework: the fragmentation of the office.

Remote work, whether partial or complete, has profoundly transformed employees’ relationship with work and the organizational structures of companies. Even though 47% of French companies had adopted remote work by 2023 (source: INSEE), its implementation and especially its sustainability are still in question today.

Indeed, the diversification of work locations marks a break from the traditional model where all employees gathered in a defined office space. With hybrid remote work, the office extends to various locations, impacting the way teams are managed. In this context, some companies struggle to adapt and to trust their teams for successful remote collaboration.

Three main axes to improve trust

Training in best practices for remote work

If its implementation is not supported, remote work can lead to difficulties for employees and, in the long run, result in failures.

Horaires et flexibilité 

Remote work introduces a certain degree of freedom for employees. Working from home allows them to take more regular breaks or even adjust their schedules to fit their family life. This flexibility is valued in some companies that practice remote work, as it promotes a better work-life balance for employees. Consequently, employees enjoy a certain level of autonomy in completing their tasks, far removed from the pitfalls of presenteeism in the office.

In this context, to strengthen trust between managers and employees regarding this aspect, the first step is to clearly communicate, from the beginning of the collaboration, the norms regarding working hours and how flexible these are. These norms can be shared in the form of a general information sheet about the organization or in a welcome booklet provided during onboarding. Once these are understood, more personalized discussions can take place to adapt these measures according to the needs and constraints of each individual. The objective is to clarify the subject to avoid misunderstandings and frustrations.

Cyber Hygiene

Trust in hybrid remote work also involves adhering to security rules. As cyber threats affect many sectors, especially leading up to major events, cybersecurity must be one of the essential aspects to consider in remote work. Training and awareness on the subject are indispensable, particularly on:

  • Internet connection security and VPN
  • Password management and authentication methods
  • Phishing, ransomware, and other common cyberattacks
  • The use of personal devices or BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)
  • Protection of IT equipment at home and on the move
  • Or the use of secure software (against shadow IT)

However, IT security and hygiene rules must also be clearly defined. For example:

  • Never connect to public Wi-Fi networks,
  • Do not download software or applications not approved by the IT department,
  • And do not connect external devices to your professional equipment (USB keys, hard drives, etc.).

Discover the 5 tips from Julien, System and Security Administrator, to secure remote work.

Maintaining the Connection with Teams

The manager’s role is crucial for the success of teams in a hybrid remote work environment. To maintain the connection, frequent video conferences or calls can prove counterproductive and stressful for employees. The hybrid manager should maintain regular communication while promoting accountability. These two aspects will facilitate mutual trust with employees and prevent isolation and disengagement.

To achieve this, develop a culture of feedback by encouraging employees to provide regular feedback on their work. This helps foster spontaneous exchanges while contributing to continuous improvement.

Find out more about hybrid management

Deploy the Right Video Collaboration Tools

Certain video collaboration tools ensure the continuity of the office environment, regardless of where the employees are located.

This is the case with the Tixeo solution, which allows teams to work and interact in a virtual open space. In the form of bubbles, employees can see each other and work quietly on their own. To chat with a colleague or hold a meeting, a simple click on one or more colleagues’ bubbles is enough. The result: better communication between teams and improved trust.

Discover Tixeo virtual open-space

Contre le « bossware »

Due to a lack of trust in their employees, some companies resort to using “bossware.” Installed on the workstation, this spyware collects a maximum amount of data on the worker’s activity, providing an overview of their productivity.

Heavily used since the widespread adoption of remote work in 2020, these types of software are now being enhanced with the integration of AI modules. However, their use can harm the respect for privacy and personal data of employees, especially if the employees are not informed about their usage.

It is therefore preferable to implement processes and management methods that create a climate of trust at work rather than using software that could damage the professional relationship.

The success of hybrid remote work corresponds to the level of trust placed in the employee. The more the employee feels valued, the more likely they are to grow and invest in the organization. For nearly 10 years, Tixeo has been betting on trust to develop its 100% remote collaboration model.


What is hybrid remote work?

Hybrid remote work combines remote and in-person work. Employees alternate between working from home and the office, transforming traditional organizational models.

How can trust be strengthened in hybrid remote work?

It is essential to train employees on best practices for remote work, maintain regular communication, and use suitable collaboration tools like Tixeo.

Why is it important to train employees for remote work?

Proper training reduces obstacles, improves productivity, and strengthens trust by clarifying expectations and the flexibility allowed by remote work. Additionally, training addresses good IT security practices and reduces the risk of cyberattacks.

What are the security challenges associated with hybrid remote work?

Cyber threats require comprehensive and specific measures for remote workers, such as using VPNs, multi-factor authentication, good password management, and awareness of phishing risks.

How can employee isolation be avoided in remote work?

Maintain regular interactions without being intrusive, encourage feedback, and use video collaboration tools to create an interactive virtual workspace and strengthen the connection between employees.

Why should the use of spyware (“bossware”) be avoided?

Spyware can violate employee privacy and degrade trust between employees and management. It is better to adopt management practices that emphasize transparency, autonomy, and responsibility.

What is trust in a company, and what are its key elements?

Trust in a company is based on three fundamental elements: performance measurement, autonomy, and regular communication between the employee, their team, and their manager.

What are the pillars of trust identified by Harvard Business Review?

The three pillars of trust are: positive relationships, recognized expertise, and consistency. Managers must establish reliable relationships, fairly evaluate performance, and be consistent in their actions and decisions for their team.

How can companies establish a climate of trust for remote work?

Companies should:

• Measure performance based on results rather than hours worked
• Avoid excessive employee monitoring, especially through constant calls
• Focus on achieved objectives
• Support employees through skill development and regular feedback

To find out more :

Teleworking: 3 ways to improve productivity

What is Hybrid Management?

What is Hybrid Management?

With the rise of hybrid telecommuting, managers have had to adapt their practices to meet the new needs of their teams. Balancing increased autonomy with maintaining team cohesion, here are the key characteristics of hybrid management.

Originating from Hybrid Telecommuting

The Generalization of the In-Person and Remote Mix

The shift to partial or full telecommuting has disrupted traditional organizational structures. Today, hybrid telecommuting has become the norm, with about 47% of French companies adopting some form of telecommuting in 2023. Employees now blend office days with remote work, which significantly impacts the management of hybrid teams.

Adapting Managers

In-person, within open spaces, managers enjoy “direct” communication ease with their teams and have spaces within the company to meet. But hybrid telecommuting pushes the boundaries of the office and diversifies communication modes. It can also lead to work desynchronization, allowing employees to choose their schedules, workplace, or even time zone for “digital nomads.” Managers need to become more agile and rethink their methods to stay connected with their teams.

Key Characteristics of Hybrid Management

Fostering Mutual Trust

Trust, a generally valued trait in the workplace, becomes even more crucial in the context of hybrid management. Distance created by regular or occasional telecommuting necessitates building a genuine climate of trust through recognition acts like delegation, autonomy, and project management, which value employees and enhance their engagement. For employees alternating between in-person and remote work, feeling this trust daily positively impacts their well-being and allows them to work calmly.

Conversely, overly intrusive management with incessant video calls is counterproductive. Lack of trust generates stress and can question an employee’s abilities, potentially leading to burnout. A hybrid manager should foster trust by relying on the professionalism of the employee and balancing support with autonomy.

Promoting Feedback Culture

Regular feedback between managers and teams is fundamental in hybrid management. Celebrating successes, addressing project issues, or defusing potential difficulties are essential for precise mission tracking. Even remotely, these brief moments of sharing promote long-term exchanges. Hybrid teams feel valued and heard. The hybrid manager can “automate” feedback by scheduling several-minute exchanges for each project milestone or significant moment with the concerned teams.

Preventing Isolation

The isolation of employees is arguably the biggest fear for a hybrid manager. In telecommuting, some employees may feel neglected or lost and gradually withdraw from exchanges. Regular feedback helps managers identify these difficulties.

Setting up a hybrid organizational mode must be supported from the outset. Employees who struggle with this change require particular accommodations (extra in-person days, more frequent exchanges, etc.). The goal is to identify problems early and propose solutions. Hybrid management distinguishes itself from classic management by its agility, allowing it to adapt to different profiles, aiming to find the right balance between in-person and remote work for each employee and the best ways to stay connected.

how do you break the isolation of teleworking?

Creating Strong Moments and Team Rituals

The continuity of the office must be ensured regardless of where team members are. Hybrid management helps maintain the thread that binds the team. Establishing rituals and convivial moments creates strong reference points in the team’s life and strengthens bonds.

Rituals can include weekly exchange moments via videoconference to bring the whole team together. Starting with “ice breakers” can energize the group and create a pleasant working atmosphere. These activities help break the ice before a meeting and allow colleagues to get to know each other better. “Serious games” can also be used remotely to work on various themes: team communication, stress management, agility…

Lastly, organizing in-person meetings with cohesion moments (workshops, sports activities) and creativity (brainstorming, manual activities), outside the company, can also be a lever for performance and innovation in hybrid management.

teleworking security


What is Hybrid Management?

Hybrid management blends remote and in-office team management practices, adapting to the needs of employees who switch between both work environments.

What are the key challenges of managing a hybrid team?

Hybrid management can improve the work-life balance of the team, thus enhancing their well-being by promoting trust, flexibility, and agility. It can also increase employee productivity and engagement.

How to build trust in a hybrid work environment?

Trust is built through recognition, delegation of responsibilities, and granting autonomy to employees. Avoiding intrusive management is crucial to prevent stress and burnout.

How to prevent isolation of remote employees?

Regular feedback and frequent interactions are essential. Identifying employees who are struggling and adjusting their working methods can help maintain their integration into the team.

What rituals can strengthen team cohesion in a hybrid context?

Establishing rituals through regular interactions and organizing in-person social activities that foster cohesion and creativity can strengthen bonds among team members.

Read also : How Tixeo has been implementing hybrid management for almost 10 years.

5 types of online meetings to protect more

5 types of online meetings to protect more

Intrusions into videoconferences expose sensitive information and can sometimes have numerous repercussions, including diplomatic ones. A recent case in point is the leak from a WebEx videoconference. Here are the main types of online meetings to prioritise securing and the precautions to take.

Remote executive committees

This type of online meeting involves the presence of senior executives, managers, and members of the executive board. It is a key appointment in the life of a company, which could be targeted for espionage.

The use of a videoconferencing solution with end-to-end encryption technology is therefore essential. However, it must offer client-to-client end-to-end encryption, meaning no decryption phase of the communication streams at the server level. Thus, the audio, video, and data exchanges remain inaccessible to external parties.

Opt for “Enhanced Security

In addition to this end-to-end encryption technology, Tixeo offers an enhanced security feature: during an online meeting, participants can enter a secret code, previously chosen among themselves, to enter a highly secure and invisible communication tunnel to anyone else.

Audit or budget meetings

Videoconferences discussing financial information, with participants authorised to carry out transactions, are particularly targeted by attacks. Recently, a president scam using deep fake video and audio during a videoconference targeted an employee of the financial department of a multinational company based in Hong Kong. The malicious use of AI during this attack made it perfectly effective. Therefore, all meetings on contracts, budget forecasts, financial results, or audits must benefit from the highest protection. The organiser must carefully control participants’ access to their online meeting.

Find out more about secure videoconferencing for finance

visioconférence sécurisée pour la finance

Control participant access

With Tixeo, after connecting to the software via their secure user account, participants send a participation request to the meeting and wait in a virtual waiting room. Meanwhile, the organiser checks their request and approves or denies it. They can then proceed to verify the identity via a phone call and/or sharing a secret phrase. Thus, identity verification takes place upfront, before the participant enters the meeting, and not belatedly during the exchange. Strategic discussions are thus preserved from any external infiltration.

R&D (Research and Development) meetings

This type of online meeting circulates sensitive information about technologies, innovations, or technical patents. Within strategic sectors such as industry or energy, this information constitutes the nation’s scientific and technical potential and must be effectively protected from espionage. The only barrier: genuine end-to-end encryption technology and the choice of a sovereign videoconferencing solution.

Choose a sovereign videoconferencing solution

visa de sécurité ANSSI

To prevent the leakage of sensitive information, companies must choose a secure but above all sovereign videoconferencing solution. Indeed, most collaborative applications host their data outside the European territory and are then subject to lenient extraterritorial data protection laws. This is the case with the Cloud Act in the United States: this series of extraterritorial laws allows American authorities to compel publishers located on American territory, to provide data related to electronic communications, stored on American or foreign servers. Corporate communications relating to R&D must therefore absolutely be held on a videoconferencing software compliant with the GDPR, to avoid any information leakage.

Tixeo is also the only secure videoconferencing solution to be certified and qualified by the ANSSI for six consecutive years.

Meetings with external collaborators

Online meetings involving suppliers, clients, or partners expose sensitive information (contractual information, client data, budgets…). Vigilance is paramount regarding the protection of videoconferences: the solution deployed and used by both parties must absolutely be secured, to prevent any data compromises.

Subcontractors, suppliers: particularly targeted intermediaries

Cyberattacks on subcontractors or suppliers working with strategic organisations are common. Indeed, generally, these intermediaries possess sensitive information, without necessarily having a sufficient level of cybersecurity. They thus become ideal targets. This vigilance concerns even more the sectors of Defense and Industry, which collaborate with numerous partners.

In its 2023 cyberthreat overview, the ANSSI reported having dealt with “the compromise of network equipment of an operator, conducted by a state actor, likely for espionage of telecommunications purposes.” The Agency thus reminds that “operators must be particularly vigilant to stop using weak administration protocols, while their clients cannot assume default security and must ensure end-to-end encryption of their communications passing, even partially, via insecure protocols.”

Crisis management meetings

In the event of a cyberattack, IT and crisis management teams need to stay in contact, just like collaborators, to ensure the continuity of business. Within public administrations, the emergency communication tool ensures the continuity of public service. For this, a secure videoconferencing solution that can operate outside traditional networks is necessary.

Find out more about secure videoconferencing for public administrations

Opt for out-of-band communications

interface Tixeo

The on-premise secure videoconferencing version of Tixeo is deployed on a dedicated server of the company, without impacting the general network security policy. In a crisis, Tixeo can thus operate without an internet connection, isolated on the company’s infrastructure. This allows internal use only: teams can therefore continue their exchanges under all conditions.

Furthermore, choosing an on-premise secure videoconferencing software limits the organisation’s technological dependence on external providers. It thus improves the control of its security policy and strengthens its sovereignty.

Discover TixeoServer

Another precaution to take to secure online meetings

Connect on a secure network

Besides the security of the videoconferencing software, the internet connection used for online meetings must be perfectly secured to limit the risks of data theft. Using a robust VPN enhances the protection of the connection but never constitutes an insurmountable barrier for cyberattackers.

Recent leaks from the German army in a videoconference were due, according to initial investigation results, to an unauthorised connection of one of the participants in the online meeting.

Try Tixeo for free

“Bossware”: what is this software that spies on employees?

“Bossware”: what is this software that spies on employees?

Bossware makes it possible to monitor an employee’s activity remotely. The use of spyware is more widespread than you might think, especially since the advent of teleworking and AI. How can they be detected and what are the risks? 

What is bossware?

Bossware” is the term used to describe software designed to monitor employees. Installed on the workstation, it collects a maximum amount of data on the worker’s activity, with the aim of obtaining an overview of their productivity. This spyware can record all online activity, keystrokes, mouse movements and even, in some cases, take random screenshots and record audio or video.

Widely used since the widespread deployment of teleworking in 2020, it enables managers to keep an eye on their employees from a distance. Now, with the development of artificial intelligence, surveillance can go even further. For example, some “bossware” software, such as Veriato, is capable of analysing worker data to assign them a “risk score” for the company’s security. Others can send alerts if the worker does not seem to be behaving appropriately at their post.

Spyware not always detectable

Bossware can be deployed visibly or silently. With visible surveillance, workers are aware that their activity is being monitored. In certain configurations, they can even act on the software by pausing it, for example. Conversely, with silent surveillance, employees are not aware that they are being “spied on”. The software may therefore have been installed remotely on their workstation without their consent.

Authorised in the United States: and in Europe?

In the United States, employers can easily force employees to install this type of software on their workstations. However, laws are now being introduced to limit their use by requiring companies to be transparent.

The GDPR also protects employees

In Europe, employee surveillance is not clearly legislated. Nevertheless, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) can serve as a reference on the subject. This regulation defines the conditions for the collection, use and transfer of personal data and provides a framework for data processing operations, including those relating to employee monitoring. In this way, employee consent to the processing of their data is absolutely required. However, as the European report ” Employee monitoring and surveillance: The challenges of digitalisation “it is up to each [EU] Member State to put in place specific data protection provisions“.

Controversial but still used

In France, “bossware” is highly controversial, but it is still widely used. According to a study carried out by Vanson Bourne for VMware, “63% of French companies with more than 500 employees have implemented surveillance tools”. Nevertheless, the French Data Protection Authority (CNIL) regularly issues warnings about the use of this software. It points out that such surveillance must not “undermine respect for employees’ rights and freedoms”. Employees must therefore be informed before any surveillance tool is put in place. Surveillance in the workplace is one of the main reasons for complaints to the CNIL.

But Europe’s leading country for employee surveillance is Spain. According to the same report, “40% of Spanish companies have installed spyware”, compared with 15% in Germany and 26% in the UK.

The different ways of detecting bossware

According to TechTarget, bossware can be detected by carrying out a few checks.

Check the task manager

If an unrecognised piece of software with a name containing a number of random numbers and letters is running in the background, it may be bossware. Note that many spyware programs are not detectable in Task Manager.

Download antispyware

If you are suspicious, anti-spyware software can be useful. It will scan the device and be able to identify the “bossware” as malicious software. 

Monitor outgoing Internet traffic

Some Internet traffic monitoring software can detect unusual traffic and confirm suspicions.

What are the risks of using bossware to monitor employees?

Impact on employee productivity and well-being

The introduction of employee monitoring tools demonstrates a blatant lack of trust on the part of management towards employees working remotely. And yet, this mutual trust is essential if employees are to remain committed to the company and retain their loyalty. Surveillance, when it is visible, puts constant pressure on employees, pressure that can lead to exhaustion and burn-out. While management would like to control and act on their productivity, it is harming the well-being of its teams.

Data theft and breach of privacy

In France, employees have rights regarding the processing of their data, particularly under the RGPD. They should be aware of this and not hesitate to alert their representatives if they have any doubts about spyware in their company. The use of “bossware” leads to massive processing of personal content and data, which undermines respect for employees’ privacy. If this software is not perfectly secure, it can be targeted by cyber-attacks. As a result, data concerning both the employee and the company is liable to fall into the hands of malicious parties. Employers must protect employee data, whether it has been collected for recruitment, security or business monitoring purposes.

Conclusion: to combat bossware, promote trust and communication

In conclusion, bossware has been used a lot since the health crisis and is tending to develop with artificial intelligence. However, their effects can sometimes be harmful to employee well-being and undermine team performance.

On the contrary, the use of spyware should never be systematic for remote collaboration. It is essential that teleworking is offered in a climate of trust, in order to reap all the benefits in terms of productivity and quality of life at work. To achieve this, appropriate and secure management and communications tools are essential.

Preserving your company’s cybersecurity

The security risks of “bossware” are real. They can lead to the loss of personal data and have financial repercussions for the company.

Employees must remain aware of their rights regarding the protection of their privacy and personal data, and not hesitate to contact their representatives if they have any doubts about the use of bossware.

To find out more about teleworking :

“Bossware”: what is this software that spies on employees?

“Bossware”: what is this software that spies on employees?

Bossware makes it possible to monitor an employee’s activity remotely. The use of spyware is more widespread than you might think, especially since the advent of teleworking and AI. How can they be detected and what are the risks?


What is bossware?

Definition and origin

Bossware is the term used to describe software designed to monitor employees. Installed on the workstation, it collects a maximum amount of data on the worker’s activity, with the aim of obtaining an overview of their productivity. This spyware can record all online activity, keystrokes, mouse movements and even, in some cases, take random screenshots and record audio or video.

Widely used since the widespread deployment of teleworking in 2020, it enables managers to keep an eye on their employees from a distance. Now, with the development of artificial intelligence, surveillance can go even further. For example, some bossware software, such as Veriato, is capable of analysing worker data to assign them a “risk score” for the company’s security. Others can send alerts if the worker does not seem to be behaving appropriately at their post.

Spyware not always detectable

Bossware can be deployed visibly or silently. With visible surveillance, workers are aware that their activity is being monitored. In certain configurations, they can even act on the software by pausing it, for example. Conversely, with silent surveillance, employees are not aware that they are being “spied on”. The software may therefore have been installed remotely on their workstation without their consent.

Authorised in the United States: and in Europe?

The RGPD also protects employees

In the United States, employers can easily force employees to install this type of software on their workstations. However, laws are now being introduced to limit their use by requiring companies to be transparent.

In Europe, employee surveillance is not clearly legislated. Nevertheless, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) can serve as a reference on the subject. This regulation defines the conditions for the collection, use and transfer of personal data and provides a framework for data processing operations, including those relating to employee monitoring. In this way, employee consent to the processing of their data is absolutely required.

However, as the European report ” Employee monitoring and surveillance: The challenges of digitalisation “it is up to each [EU] Member State to put in place specific data protection provisions“.

Controversial but still used

In France, “bossware” is highly controversial, but it is still widely used. According to a study carried out by Vanson Bourne for VMware, “63% of French companies with more than 500 employees have implemented surveillance tools”. Nevertheless, the French Data Protection Authority (CNIL) regularly issues warnings about the use of this software. It points out that such surveillance must not “undermine respect for employees’ rights and freedoms”. Employees must therefore be informed before any surveillance tool is put in place. Surveillance in the workplace is one of the main reasons for complaints to the CNIL.

But Europe’s leading country for employee surveillance is Spain. According to the same report, “40% of Spanish companies have installed spyware, compared with 15% in Germany and 26% in the UK.


The different ways of detecting bossware

According to TechTarget, bossware can be detected by carrying out a few checks.

1. Check the task manager

If an unrecognised piece of software with a name containing a number of random numbers and letters is running in the background, it may be bossware. Note that many spyware programs are not detectable in Task Manager.

2. Download antispyware

If you are suspicious, anti-spyware software can be useful. It will scan the device and be able to identify the “bossware” as malicious software. 

3. Monitor outgoing Internet traffic

Some Internet traffic monitoring software can detect unusual traffic and confirm suspicions.


What are the risks of using bossware?

Impact on employee productivity and well-being

The introduction of employee monitoring tools demonstrates a blatant lack of trust on the part of management towards employees working remotely. And yet, this mutual trust is essential if employees are to remain committed to the company and retain their loyalty. Surveillance, when it is visible, puts constant pressure on employees, pressure that can lead to exhaustion and burn-out. While management would like to control and act on their productivity, it is harming the well-being of its teams.

Data theft and breach of privacy

In France, employees have rights regarding the processing of their data, particularly under the GDPR. They should be aware of this and not hesitate to alert their representatives if they have any doubts about spyware in their company. The use of “bossware” leads to massive processing of personal content and data, which undermines respect for employees’ privacy. If this software is not perfectly secure, it can be targeted by cyber-attacks. As a result, data concerning both the employee and the company is liable to fall into the hands of malicious parties. Employers must protect employee data, whether it has been collected for recruitment, security or business monitoring purposes.

A few ways to avoid bossware

Promoting trust and communication

In conclusion, bossware has been used a lot since the health crisis and is tending to develop with artificial intelligence. However, their effects can sometimes be harmful to employee well-being and undermine team performance.

On the contrary, the use of spyware should never be systematic for remote collaboration. It is essential that teleworking is offered in a climate of trust, in order to reap all the benefits in terms of productivity and quality of life at work. To achieve this, appropriate and secure management and communications tools are essential.

Preserving your company’s cyber security

The security risks of “bossware” are real. They can lead to the loss of personal data and have financial repercussions for the company.

Finally, employees must remain aware of their rights regarding the protection of their privacy and personal data, and not hesitate to contact their representatives if they have any doubts about the use of bossware.

To find out more

In this white paper, find out how you can boost the productivity of remote workers and improve the cybersecurity of teleworking.

white paper on teleworking security

5 tips to secure teleworking from Julien, System and Security Admin at Tixeo

5 tips to secure teleworking from Julien, System and Security Admin at Tixeo

Businesses are facing ever-greater cyber threats, and teleworking is exacerbating these risks. Julien, System and Security Administrator at Tixeo, gives us his advice on how to make teleworking (and teleworkers!) more secure.


Why do companies need to improve security when teleworking?  

It’s no secret that cyber threats have been on the rise for several years now. They have even increased since the pandemic and the geopolitical upheavals. Companies of all sizes are affected by cyber attacks today. And the expansion of teleworking has not helped.

IBM’s recent “Cost of a data breach” report even indicates that when teleworking is a factor in a computer attack, the cost to the company increases by almost 1 million dollars, compared with an attack without this factor.


What are the cyber threats of teleworking?

By definition, teleworkers work from home. The employer therefore has limited control over the teleworker’s environment and usage, particularly with regard to the home Internet connection. However, the Wi-Fi network is a primary cyber threat when teleworking. If access to it is not protected, the data on the connected device may be exposed.

Furthermore, when teleworking is hybrid, employees are often required to travel with their work equipment. Here again, connection to public Wi-Fi networks is problematic. There is also a greater risk of equipment being lost or stolen.

Finally, the resurgence of cyber-threats such as phishing and ransomware can do more damage to teleworking employees. On site, the slightest suspicion of a computer attack is discussed in open space. If they are isolated, teleworkers are likely to be less vigilant in the face of one of these cybersecurity risks.


What needs to be secured when teleworking? 

There are three main elements to teleworking safety. Firstly, the teleworking workstation must be protected. At Tixeo, teleworkers’ hard drives are encrypted. This limits the risk of data being compromised, if the device is stolen while on the move for example.

Teleworkers also need access to resources hosted on the company network from home and when they are on the move. Setting up a VPN protects this access. When resources are available via a cloud system (preferably a sovereign one), MFA (or multi-factor authentication) securely authenticates the user.

Finally, protecting teleworking communications is a key issue. Employees use videoconferencing to discuss a multitude of subjects, some of which are confidential. Access to these exchanges can have serious consequences for businesses, in a context of constant cyber-warfare. The use of a secure videoconferencing solution is therefore highly recommended, to avoid zoombombing and computer espionage.



How does secure video conferencing protect the personal data of companies and employees?

Why is it essential to raise awareness of cybersecurity among teleworkers?

Even with all the right security measures in place, the human factor is still the biggest vulnerability. According to the latest Verizon report, this factor is present in 74% of all data breaches. What’s more, 52% of cyber espionage attacks begin with “spearphishing” or “targeted phishing attacks“. This type of cyber attack specifically targets a company employee with access to sensitive information. It is generally based on identity theft and strong social engineering. The hacker’s aim is to send an e-mail that is consistent with the activity of the person or company targeted, as ANSSI explains on its website.

Teleworkers must not feel they are on their own when it comes to these issues. That’s why cyber security awareness campaigns need to be held regularly. They should be given a comprehensive IT charter tailored to their workstation, containing all the information they need on how to use the equipment they are provided with, and what to do if they suspect an attack. Finally, teleworkers need to be made aware of the increased risks of shadow IT. Shadow IT involves employees using software and applications that have not been checked and approved by the IT department. Shadow IT can lead to vulnerabilities on the workstation and, by extension, on the internal network. To avoid the inconvenience of shadow IT, IT Departments have every interest in examining the performance of the tools deployed and providing training in their use.


What advice would you give to companies on how to make teleworking more secure?

  1. Stepping up awareness campaigns aimed at teleworkers
  2. Facilitate support for teleworkers, in particular through software for remote control of workstations
  3. Intensify the security of mobile teleworkers’ workstations and their access to resources (VPN, MFA, Endpoint Detection & Response, Mobile Device Management, Disc encryption, etc.)
  4. Understand the uses of your teleworking employees and adapt security accordingly so as not to generate frustration and shadow IT
  5. Implement a secure videoconferencing tool to protect the company’s sensitive data and communications

Find out more about good practice in teleworking security in the white paper: discover all Julien’s security tips

To find out more about the safety of teleworking

teleworking security tips