With the rise of hybrid telecommuting, managers have had to adapt their practices to meet the new needs of their teams. Balancing increased autonomy with maintaining team cohesion, here are the key characteristics of hybrid management.

Originating from Hybrid Telecommuting

The Generalization of the In-Person and Remote Mix

The shift to partial or full telecommuting has disrupted traditional organizational structures. Today, hybrid telecommuting has become the norm, with about 47% of French companies adopting some form of telecommuting in 2023. Employees now blend office days with remote work, which significantly impacts the management of hybrid teams.

Adapting Managers

In-person, within open spaces, managers enjoy “direct” communication ease with their teams and have spaces within the company to meet. But hybrid telecommuting pushes the boundaries of the office and diversifies communication modes. It can also lead to work desynchronization, allowing employees to choose their schedules, workplace, or even time zone for “digital nomads.” Managers need to become more agile and rethink their methods to stay connected with their teams.

Key Characteristics of Hybrid Management

Fostering Mutual Trust

Trust, a generally valued trait in the workplace, becomes even more crucial in the context of hybrid management. Distance created by regular or occasional telecommuting necessitates building a genuine climate of trust through recognition acts like delegation, autonomy, and project management, which value employees and enhance their engagement. For employees alternating between in-person and remote work, feeling this trust daily positively impacts their well-being and allows them to work calmly.

Conversely, overly intrusive management with incessant video calls is counterproductive. Lack of trust generates stress and can question an employee’s abilities, potentially leading to burnout. A hybrid manager should foster trust by relying on the professionalism of the employee and balancing support with autonomy.

Promoting Feedback Culture

Regular feedback between managers and teams is fundamental in hybrid management. Celebrating successes, addressing project issues, or defusing potential difficulties are essential for precise mission tracking. Even remotely, these brief moments of sharing promote long-term exchanges. Hybrid teams feel valued and heard. The hybrid manager can “automate” feedback by scheduling several-minute exchanges for each project milestone or significant moment with the concerned teams.

Preventing Isolation

The isolation of employees is arguably the biggest fear for a hybrid manager. In telecommuting, some employees may feel neglected or lost and gradually withdraw from exchanges. Regular feedback helps managers identify these difficulties.

Setting up a hybrid organizational mode must be supported from the outset. Employees who struggle with this change require particular accommodations (extra in-person days, more frequent exchanges, etc.). The goal is to identify problems early and propose solutions. Hybrid management distinguishes itself from classic management by its agility, allowing it to adapt to different profiles, aiming to find the right balance between in-person and remote work for each employee and the best ways to stay connected.

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Creating Strong Moments and Team Rituals

The continuity of the office must be ensured regardless of where team members are. Hybrid management helps maintain the thread that binds the team. Establishing rituals and convivial moments creates strong reference points in the team’s life and strengthens bonds.

Rituals can include weekly exchange moments via videoconference to bring the whole team together. Starting with “ice breakers” can energize the group and create a pleasant working atmosphere. These activities help break the ice before a meeting and allow colleagues to get to know each other better. “Serious games” can also be used remotely to work on various themes: team communication, stress management, agility…

Lastly, organizing in-person meetings with cohesion moments (workshops, sports activities) and creativity (brainstorming, manual activities), outside the company, can also be a lever for performance and innovation in hybrid management.

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What is Hybrid Management?

Hybrid management blends remote and in-office team management practices, adapting to the needs of employees who switch between both work environments.

What are the key challenges of managing a hybrid team?

Hybrid management can improve the work-life balance of the team, thus enhancing their well-being by promoting trust, flexibility, and agility. It can also increase employee productivity and engagement.

How to build trust in a hybrid work environment?

Trust is built through recognition, delegation of responsibilities, and granting autonomy to employees. Avoiding intrusive management is crucial to prevent stress and burnout.

How to prevent isolation of remote employees?

Regular feedback and frequent interactions are essential. Identifying employees who are struggling and adjusting their working methods can help maintain their integration into the team.

What rituals can strengthen team cohesion in a hybrid context?

Establishing rituals through regular interactions and organizing in-person social activities that foster cohesion and creativity can strengthen bonds among team members.

Read also : How Tixeo has been implementing hybrid management for almost 10 years.