qualification SecNumCloud

What is SecNumCloud qualification?

As the security and sovereignty of the cloud stir debates in the EUCS project, SecNumCloud qualification remains a benchmark in selecting a highly...
confiance télétravail hybride

How to Trust Your Employees in Hybrid Remote Work

Employees no longer work solely in the office, and companies need to adapt their organisational and management models to teleworking, to put trust...
management hybride

What is Hybrid Management?

With the rise of hybrid telecommuting, managers have had to adapt their practices to meet the new needs of their teams. Balancing increased autonomy...
Cybersecurity: What is a Security Certification?

Cybersecurity: What is a Security Certification?

Security certification for digital products and solutions is a hallmark of reliability. What does this certification entail, and how does it ensure a high level of cybersecurity? Definition of a Security Certification Security certification for computer solutions and...

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State Cyberespionage: Challenges and Key Figures (Infographic)

State Cyberespionage: Challenges and Key Figures (Infographic)

European businesses and organisations are facing an increase in state-originated cyberespionage attacks, predominantly from Russian or Chinese sources, which have escalated since the Ukrainian war. Key statistics of state cyberespionage include: In 2022, 77% of state...

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How to Assess the Credibility of a Security Certification?

How to Assess the Credibility of a Security Certification?

To prove their dependability, IT solutions may acquire a security certification. This becomes a significant advantage in the IT market, especially in an era where cybersecurity is a key concern for organizations. However, how can one ensure the credibility of a...

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“Bossware”: what is this software that spies on employees?

“Bossware”: what is this software that spies on employees?

Bossware makes it possible to monitor an employee's activity remotely. The use of spyware is more widespread than you might think, especially since the advent of teleworking and AI. How can they be detected and what are the risks?   What is bossware? Definition and...

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OES and OIV: what is the impact of the NIS2 directive?

OES and OIV: what is the impact of the NIS2 directive?

With the forthcoming application of the NIS 2 Directive in Europe, essential service operator (OES) and operator of vital importance (OIV) are preparing for new obligations to strengthen their cybersecurity. A new name for essential service operator (OES) The creation...

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How do you raise employee awareness of cybersecurity?

How do you raise employee awareness of cybersecurity?

Spearphishing, ransomware, downloading malicious software... These cybersecurity threats affect employees in all businesses, particularly those working from home. Raising awareness of cyber security is now essential. Economic and political risks Cyber attacks on...

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How can we reinvent and secure remote working in 2023?

How can we reinvent and secure remote working in 2023?

Remote working is now a popular option for many employees and companies. But at a time when cyberthreats are on the increase, how can teleworking be made truly effective and its security strengthened within organisations? Quiet quitting, digital nomads... A new vision...

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